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Purpose: to determine the relationship of self-efficacy and anxiety with learning motivation. Methodology: quantitative type with analytic design and cross sectional approach. Results: respondents in this study were 123 respondents, the distribution of the highest learning motivation variables with moderate learning motivation levels (69,9%), while for the highest self-efficacy variables with high self-efficacy levels (97.6%) and for variables anxiety is highest with moderate anxiety level (57,7%). The results of correlation analysis on learning motivation variables with self-efficacy obtained P 0,000 and the results of the correlation coefficient r 0.527. While the results of correlation analysis on variables Motivation learning with Anxiety obtained P 0.025 and the results of the correlation coefficient r -0.203. Conclusion: there is a relationship between self-efficacy and anxiety with learning motivation.
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Al-Ajami, H. and Soeharto, T.N.E.D., 2014. Hubungan antara persepsi siswa tentang kompetensi pedagogik guru dan dukungan sosial orangtua dengan motivasi belajar pada siswa di mts ibadurrahman tibu sisok desa loafing maka lombok tengah tahun ajaran 2013/2014. Jurnal sosioHumaniora, 5(2), pp. 178-198.
Aramis Willy, F., Maramis, A.A., 2005. Catatan Ilmu Kedokteran Jiwa. Ed. 2, pp.138-139.
Bandura, A., 1997. Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. Macmillan
Burgoon, J.M., 2008. An Investigation of the Self-Efficacy of Medical Students for the Anatomy Curriculum: Role of Gender and Prior Experience, and SelfEfficacy‟s Influence on Academic Achievement. [Dissertation]. University of North Carolina.
Elliott, S., Littlefield, J., 1995. Educational psychology: Effective teaching, effective learning. WCB/McGraw-Hill.
Fadillah, R., 2013. Stres Dan Motivasi Belajar Pada Mahasiswa Psikologi Universitas Mulawarman Yang Sedang Menyusun Skripsi. eJournal Psikologi. Nomor, 3, p.2013.
Greene, B., Nevid, J.S., Rathus, S.A., 2006. Abnormal psychology in a changing world. Abnormal Behavior in Childhood and Adolescence. Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, pp.474-480.
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Kurniyawati, Rita., 2012. Hubungan Antara Efikasi Diri Dengan Motivasi Belajar Pada Siswa SMAN 2 Boyolali. Surakarta: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.
Maramis Willy, F. and Maramis, A.A., 2005. Catatan Ilmu Kedokteran Jiwa. Ed. 2, pp.138-139.
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Nursalim, M., dkk. 2019. Psikologi Pendidikan. Bandung: Rosda.
Olani, A., 2009. Predicting first year university students' academic success. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 7(3), pp.1053-1072.
Santrock, J. W., 2012. Life – Span Develoment. Edisi XIII jilid I. Jakarta: Erlangga.
Slameto, 2010. Belajar dan Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhinya. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta