Technocouns: Journal of Technology in Guidance and Counseling <p><strong>Technocouns: Journal of Technology in Guidance and Counseling</strong> merupakan jurnal yang diterbitkan ILIN Education Indonesia dengan proses Peer Review memiliki <strong>e-ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">3063-1033</a></strong> dan prefix <a href=""><strong>DOI: 10.31960</strong>.</a> bertujuan untuk mempublikasikan artikel atau karya ilmiah berupa hasil penelitian baik dari Mahasiswa, Guru, Dosen maupun Praktisi Bimbingan dan Konseling di indonesia dan dari berbagai negara di dunia.</p> <p><strong>Technocouns: Journal of Technology in Guidance and Counseling</strong> Fokus artikel jurnal ini adalah Teknologi dalam Bimbingan dan Konseling, Media dalam Konseling, Aplikasi teknologi dalam Teknik-Teknik Konseling, yang berasal dari di institusi Pendidikan maupun di luar institusi Pendidikan di indonesia maupun dari berbagai negara di dunia. Jurnal ini terbit dua kali setahun yaitu bulan Agustus dan Februari. <span class="tlid-translation translation" lang="id"><span class="" title="">Artikel di kirim secara online lewat website dengan terlebih dahulu melakukan registrasi kemudian melakukan submit artikel.</span></span> Download <strong>Panduan penulisan </strong>dan<strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Template Jurnal</a> </strong></p> ILIN Education Indonesia en-US Technocouns: Journal of Technology in Guidance and Counseling 3063-1033 Desain Media Bimbingan Melalui Aplikasi Tiktok untuk Meningkatkan Self Acceptance Siswa <p>Penelitian ini mengembangkan media bimbingan berupa konten video melalui aplikasi Tiktok sebagai media layanan bimbingan untuk meningkatkan Self acceptance siswa di MAS Madani Alauddin Pao-Pao. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui 1) Gambaran kebutuhan pengembangan media bimbingan melalui aplikasi Tiktok untuk meningkatkan Self acceptance siswa di MAS Madani Alauddin Pao-Pao; 2) Prototipe pengembangan media bimbingan berbasis aplikasi Tiktok untuk meningkatkan Self acceptance siswa di MAS Madani Alauddin Pao-Pao; 3) Tingkat kevaliditas media bimbingan melalui aplikasi Tiktok untuk meningkatkan Self acceptance siswa di MAS Madani Alauddin Pao-Pao; 4) Kepraktisan media bimbingan melalui aplikasi Tiktok untuk meningkatkan Self acceptance siswa di MAS Madani Alauddin Pao-Pao. Penelitian ini menggunakan model ADDIE &nbsp;dan instrumen berupa angket berbentuk skala pengukuran Self acceptance serta wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) Tingkat Self acceptance siswa rata-rata berada kategori sedang, namun ada beberapa kategori rendah pada aspek penerimaan fisik dan aspek penerimaan kepribadian sehingga membutuhkan media yang mendukung proses layanan bimbingan; 2) Prototipe media bimbingan melalui aplikasi Tiktok terdiri dari opening, isi/materi, dan penutup; 3) Tingkat kevaliditas media bimbingan berada kategori sangat valid; 4) Tingkat kepraktisan media bimbingan melalui aplikasi Tiktok menunjukkan hasil sangat praktis.</p> Umdatul Khairat Sahril Buchori Nur Fadhilah Umar Copyright (c) 2025 Technocouns: Journal of Technology in Guidance and Counseling 2025-02-14 2025-02-14 1 2 59 67 10.31960/technocouns.v1i2.2894 Digitalisasi Instrumen Alat Ungkap Masalah (AUM) dalam Layanan Bimbingan dan Konseling: Systematic Literature Review <p>The main purpose of this study is to analyse the development of digitalisation of problem expression tool (AUM) instruments as well as its advantages and disadvantages to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of guidance and counselling services in schools. This research uses the Systematic Literature Review method with PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis) guidelines. Research data was obtained from research studies during the period 2017-2024. This study identified, evaluated, and synthesised 9 relevant scientific articles that had gone through the screening process using the PRISMA flowchart. Articles came from ScienceDirect, Google Scholar, Springer, Taylor &amp; Francis Group online databases. The results of this study show that various developments of digitalisation of the Alat Ungkap Masalah (AUM) instrument, both website-based and Android-based, have been tested for feasibility and obtained a good level of satisfaction. The conclusion of this study shows that applications such as AUM PTSDL, Android-based AUM, website, and AUMDROID support the effectiveness and efficiency of counseling teachers in accelerating assessment, reducing data processing time, and developing more targeted guidance programmes.</p> Ni Kadek Su Wardani Copyright (c) 2025 Technocouns: Journal of Technology in Guidance and Counseling 2025-02-14 2025-02-14 1 2 41 49 10.31960/technocouns.v1i2.2904 Pengembangan Aplikasi CareCouns Berbasis Profil Pelajar Pancasila untuk Pencegahan Pergaulan Bebas <p>ABSTRACT. This research aims to develop the CareCouns application based on Pancasila Student Profiles as a preventive measure against free association among students at UPT SPF SMPN 48 Makassar. The study employed the Research and Development (R&amp;D) method by Borg and Gall, modified to the second revision stage. Data were collected through questionnaires and in-depth interviews, analyzed using quantitative descriptive and qualitative techniques. Findings show a significant need for interactive multimedia applications in guidance and counseling services. The CareCouns prototype includes features such as Guidelines, Home, Text, Video, X P5, Counselor, and Evo. The application was validated with material validity at 90% and media at 94%, and rated practical by teachers at 94% and students at 98%. The CareCouns application is effective as a counseling media tool to enhance understanding of free association and the values of Pancasila Student Profiles.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Tri Afriyanti Mustika Abdul Saman Abdullah Pandang Copyright (c) 2025 Technocouns: Journal of Technology in Guidance and Counseling 2025-02-14 2025-02-14 1 2 50 58 10.31960/technocouns.v1i2.2877