SHOOTING: Journal of Sport, Health, and Education <p><strong>SHOOTING: Journal of Sport, Health and Education</strong> is a journal published by ILIN Education Indonesia twice a year, May and November. e-ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">3032-3649</a><br />The journal publishes research articles focusing on aspects of sport and exercise science, including anatomy, biomechanics, performance analysis, physiology, sport psychology, sport management, sports medicine, sports nutrition, health, coaching and talent identification, physical education, education, physical education, sports education, sports coaching, sports psychology, strength and conditioning, recreational sports, sports industry, sports biomechanics, sports nutrition.<br />Its readership includes academics, researchers, and practitioners from various sports disciplines who have an interest in its scope.<br />All articles published in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on editor screening.<br />Please read the author guidelines carefully. Any manuscript sent to the journal editors must follow the guidelines for good and correct writing. If it does not meet the author guidelines or is written in a different format, the article will be REJECTED before further review. Only submitted manuscripts that meet the journal format will be processed further.</p> ILIN Education Indonesia en-US SHOOTING: Journal of Sport, Health, and Education 3032-3649 FIKK Education Student Knowledge Survey on Sports Nutrition <p><em>Sports nutrition has a direct impact on the current physical condition of the body or the physical preparation of the athlete depending on the nutritional status of the athlete involved. The sample consisted of 18 postgraduate students specializing in Physical Culture, Faculty of Sports and Physical Education from Makassar State University. When we look at the overall results, it can be concluded that the students' knowledge of sports nutrition is at a very satisfactory level, especially when comparing the results with the previous research knowledge of athletes and coaches about sports nutrition. Out of a total of 360 responses, 310 answers were correct, or 86.1%. No matter how talented an athlete is in the sport they train or train, motivated and well-trained, the line between defeat and victory is usually very thin, and as the most important link imposes sports nutrition.&nbsp; The results of an athlete and that you can depend on the quality, quantity and timing of the diet entry. </em></p> Andi Muhammad Fadlih Andi Ihsan Ahmad Yani Copyright (c) 2024 SHOOTING: Journal of Sport, Health, and Education 2024-11-30 2024-11-30 2 1 41 45 Impact of Physical Activity on Improving Bone Health in Adolescents : A Literature Study <p>This research uses the literature review method to analyze and synthesize information from various studies that have been conducted regarding the impact of physical activity on adolescent bone health. The data used in this study came from scientific journals, research articles, books, and reports published in the last 10 years. The data were retrieved from trusted academic platforms such as PubMed, ScienceDirect, Google Scholar, and national journal portals such as Garuda. Data were collected using specific keywords such as “benefits of physical activity for adolescent bones”, “bone and exercise”, and “adolescent bone health”. After the search, relevant articles were identified and selected based on predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data analysis was performed descriptively to summarize relevant research findings. In conclusion, this study highlights the importance of a holistic approach in supporting bone health. A combination of weight-based exercise, optimal nutrition and injury risk management strategies can provide maximum benefits. By considering individual differences, such as gender, health conditions, and physical activity preferences, appropriate intervention strategies can be implemented to support bone health throughout the life cycle.</p> Andi Atssam Mappanyukki Muh Ilham Aksir Hasyim Hasyim Copyright (c) 2024 SHOOTING: Journal of Sport, Health, and Education 2024-11-30 2024-11-30 2 1 46 56 The Effectiveness of the Traditional Game “Gobak Sodor” in Improving Ball Dribbling Skills in Grade 4 Students of Bontokamase Public Elementary School <p>This study aims to test the hypothesis that the traditional game Gobak Sodor is effective in improving dribbling skills in grade 4 students of Bontokamase State Elementary School. This study involved 50 students who were randomly divided into two groups: the experimental group (n=25) and the control group (n=25). The experimental group was given dribbling training integrated with the Gobak Sodor game for 4 weeks, while the control group only followed conventional dribbling learning. Data were collected through dribbling skills tests before and after treatment. The results of data analysis using paired t-test showed a significant increase in the average post-test score of the experimental group (M = 87, SD = 6.1) compared to the pre-test (M = 72, SD = 5.4), with a t(22) value = 3.41, p &lt; 0.01. In contrast, there was no significant difference in the control group. These findings indicate that the Gobak Sodor game can be an effective intervention to improve dribbling skills in students of Bontokamase State Elementary School.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Andi Ihsan Arifuddin Usman Copyright (c) 2024 SHOOTING: Journal of Sport, Health, and Education 2024-11-30 2024-11-30 2 1 57 61 Survey of Shooting Accuracy Level and Foot Eye Coordination of Futsal Players of SMKN 3 Takalar <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the level of shooting accuracy and eye-foot coordination of futsal players at SMKN 3 Takalar. This study is a quantitative descriptive study, which intends to describe or provide an overview of the level of shooting accuracy and eye-foot coordination of futsal players at SMKN 3 Takalar. The population in this study were 20 futsal players at SMKN 3 Takalar and the sample of this study was all futsal players at SMKN 3 Takalar. The data analysis technique in this study used Descriptive Test and Percentage Test. Based on data analysis, the results of the descriptive test of the level of shooting accuracy of futsal players at SMKN 3 Takalar obtained a minimum score of = 12, maximum score = 31, SUM = 225, range = 19, standard deviation = 5.259. The results of the descriptive test of the foot-eye coordination of futsal players at SMKN 3 Takalar obtained a minimum score of = 6, a maximum score of = 13, SUM = 100, range = 7, standard deviation of = 2.498. Based on the results of the percentage test of the shooting accuracy of futsal players at SMKN 3 Takalar, the results were obtained in the very good category, there were 0 people with a percentage of 0%, in the good category there were 1 person with a percentage of 8%, in the sufficient category there were 2 people with a percentage of 17%, in the less category there were 9 people with a percentage of 75% in the very less category there were 0 people with a percentage of 0%. The results of the percentage test of the foot-eye coordination test obtained results in the very good category, there were 3 people with a percentage of 25%, in the good category there were 3 people with a percentage of 25% in the low category there were 0 people with a percentage of 0% in the very low category there were 0 people with a percentage of 0%. Based on the results of the analysis above, it is concluded that the shooting accuracy level of futsal players at SMKN 3 Takalar is in the less category and the eye-foot coordination of futsal players at SMKN 3 Takalar is in the Medium category</p> Ilham Azis Syachrul Syamsuddin Copyright (c) 2024 SHOOTING: Journal of Sport, Health, and Education 2024-11-30 2024-11-30 2 1 62 66 The Role of Play Methods in Increasing Students' Courage in Doing Backward Rolls at SD Inpres Sambung Jawa I <p>This study aims to improve the courage of fifth grade students in doing backward rolls in floor gymnastics through the application of interactive and fun learning methods. The method used is Classroom Action Research (CAR) consisting of two cycles. Initial data showed that only 24.2% of students achieved learning completion with a score above 75. After corrective actions in Cycle II, the percentage of students who achieved completion increased to 8.08%. These results indicate that the approach applied is effective in increasing student involvement and self-confidence. This study recommends the use of creative methods in gymnastics learning to achieve better results and meet student needs optimally.</p> Hasbi Asyhari Nurliani Nurliani Copyright (c) 2024 SHOOTING: Journal of Sport, Health, and Education 2024-11-30 2024-11-30 2 1 67 71